Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bullying behind the technology

So today at lecture we watched a quite interesting documentary about cyber bullies. I was quite surprised on how cyber bully issue can actually lead to suicidal for the victim. It was good that the director interviewed the bully and audience can look upon the bully`s perspectives. Personally, i think the bully victims are just being too hard on themselves. Victims can usually be seen as someone so fragile and easily let other people get into themselves. Insecurity easily strikes people at teen age. Even bullies themselves are insecure and the only way to make them feel superior or more dominant is by bullying. It is quite sad that we can see from the documentary,parents could not do much about this issue. So this leaves to the child itself on how they intend to overcome this issue. I agree when they say MSN is an emotional firewall as victims tend to turn themselves emotionally through it. Sounds cliche, but from the way i see it, usually bully victims are the ones who end up becoming successful and strong in life as they tend to strive for more and not to get bullied. Interviewing small children and kids actually let the audience think like " awwww poor kid" and give heads up to parents to monitor more on their kids. The background music they use for the documentary also gives that sad vibe to it. i It is a great reflective documentary as it reflects on realism.

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